Sunday, February 15, 2009

how does it feel?

how does it feel when you have given everything
everything that you could have given,
but still it's not enough,
to get what you wanted?

how does it feel when you've tried your best,
with what you have,
but still it's not enough,
to be who you wanted?

how does it feel to be at the lowest point,
to feel so inferior,
and you could do nothing,
because you are nothing?

how does it feel to see the person you love,
unhappy and not satisfied,
as if he's stuck in a relationship,
with someone he doesn't really love?

how does it feel losing the battle,
and knowing that you're about to lose the war,
and that you're out of strategies,
and that you have to give up what you're fighting for.

How does it feel to really love someone,
who doesn't love you back?

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