Tuesday, November 18, 2008

the great mother nature :))

Lately, nature never ceases to amaze me. From underwater to the highest point in San Francisco, my fascination to God’s great creations is never diminished. The ones I love most recently are places where I can feel the wind in my face; for a moment it wiped away all my worries.

Some of my favorite getaways are: Ocean Beach, Baker Beach, Hidden Lakes park, Twin Peaks, Pier 39, Treasure Island, the Zoo and the most recent, Sausalito : ) )

I used to love Treasure Island more than anything, but now, I’m totally infatuated by Twin Peaks and Sausalito! I could just waste one windy day in Twin Peaks and go nowhere else. I love it there!! It’s a great place to ponder and daydream; to just slip away from reality for a while. It feels like you’re on top of the lives of people that are revolving below you. And time suddenly seems to pass much slower as you watch those lives in silence, because when you’re in static, you seem to have all the time in the world.

I wish it was sunrise every time I go there. The sunrise in Twin Peaks is an amazing sight to behold. It’s better than any photographs and pictures on postcards. The crisp colors that adorn the sky are breathtaking. You'll watch in awe as the sky gradually changes color as the light of the sun begins to spread. You’ll feel that something inexplicable, a passionate feeling or a strong notion, rises inside you along with the sun. And you’ll face that day with that brand new feeling. And suddenly everything that happened that day just seems a little better.

Sausalito is something else. It’s a display of a small portion of our great ocean. At day you can see the blue waters glisten and the green hills adorned with an array of picturesque houses clearly. You’ll see boats cruising and people having the time of their life. There’s also a small dock loaded with private yachts to tote up the already magnificent view. The road on the hills slightly above the Sausalito Boulevard is also a great spot to take in this mind blowing manifestation of nature. I wonder how sunset would be like from that place. Must be adorable!! I've only been there once, but I just couldn't take my mind off the place. I want to go there again so badly.


I just love San Francisco..
I just love the great outdoors :))

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